Touch Point Solutions

Touch Point Solutions

Touch Point Solutions
Applying disinfectants in a facility can be an overwhelming task when the sheer volume of surfaces is considered. Checkout counters, break rooms, offices, restrooms, manufacturing facilities, offices, public gathering areas and so on becomes a daunting task. An effective strategy is to determine disinfection zones for a facility and the frequency at which each zone must be
disinfected. It is important to develop zones and frequencies for applying disinfectant to surfaces that fit the need of the facility. Furthermore, the Zone Concept should be considered a general guideline that may need to be expanded for a particular facility.

Zone 1: High-Touch Points These are areas occupants frequently touch with hands or exposed skin. These areas need disinfectant applied multiple times per day and include areas such as door handles, faucet handles, drinking fountains, keyboards, and buttons.

Zone 2: Areas Around High-Touch Points These are areas near high touch points that may be touched by hands or exposed skin, such as the door near a handle or the desk around a keyboard. These will need regular applications of disinfectant, however not as frequently as Zone 1 areas.

Zone 3: Areas Infrequently Touched by Skin Areas such as floors would have disinfectant applied on an occasional basis since they are rarely touched by skin, but could harbor biological material.