Facts about Vital Oxide

Facts about Vital Oxide

On March 26, 2020, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently expanded its List N, which includes products that have been proven to kill SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Among the additions to the list is Vital Oxide, a powerful but gentle hospital disinfectant designed to be a powerhouse germ killer and available at Hotsy Carlson.

Vital Oxide

As shortages in other sanitizers and disinfectants continue, the addition of Vital Oxide to List N is a crucial step in people’s ability to have the proper resources to continue to fight COVID-19. But, with all this new recognition and interest in Vital Oxide, there understandably are some questions.

What is Vital Oxide?

 Vital Oxide is unlike many traditional cleaners, not relying on harsh chemicals like chlorine bleach, ammonia or other harmful solvents to kill germs. It’s also odorless, nontoxic and noncorrosive, meaning it’s safe for use on wood, metal or even fabric.

 Vital Oxide’s active ingredient, chlorine dioxide, has been used as a water sanitizer for decades and is extremely safe for use – so safe, in fact, that you can spray it and eat on a cleaned surface immediately after its contact time, which is five minutes for SARS-CoV-2.

In addition to being safe, Vital Oxide’s germ-killing power is long-lasting. An exact timeline will fluctuate, but depending on the surface and how much it is used or touched, it can go up to seven days before reapplication is needed to ensure efficacy.

However, you certainly aren’t required to wait that long, as the odorless, nontoxic and noncorrosive formula of Vital Oxide won’t harm you, your family or your home no matter how often you use it. But, when it comes to conservation, Vital Oxide is still effective with a diluted ratio of up to 9:1 – however, for the best clean, we recommend using it the first time without dilution.

Get your Vital Oxide today

With COVID-19 leaving nobody completely unaffected, many people around the world are working diligently to find solutions on how to mitigate and contain this pandemic – which is why we at Hotsy Minnesota are excited to be able to do our part, providing access to Vital Oxide, a disinfectant that has now been EPA-approved to kill SARS-CoV-2 on surfaces, helping to stop the spread.

With Vital Oxide in a variety of ready-to-use options, we’re guaranteed to have something to help you stay safe.

To learn more about Vital Oxide or to get some for yourself give us a call today!