Victory Electrostatic Sprayer-hand held

Victory Electrostatic Sprayer-hand held

$75.00 Tax and shipping added when your order is filled.

SKU: 73.7002 Category: Tags: ,


Professional Electrostatic Sprayer.  Best method for disinfecting, Sanitizing, Odor Removal, Decontamination, Pesticides/Fertilizing, and More!

  • Saves time
  • Saves money
  • Provides better coverage

Accessories include: extra battery, battery charger, extra tank for both models.

*Electrostatic Sprayer and Vital Oxide in stock as of 8-10-2021  

*Purchase an Electrostatic Sprayer and Vital Oxide together to get a discounted price.  Call (763)786-5525 for details.

Additional information


Backpack, Hand Held, 16.8V Battery, Battery Charger, Backpack Tank, Handheld Tank


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